Dr. Sumit Bapna with Sarah Sivinski - consult with a patient

Dr. Sumit Bapna · April 2, 2018

Posted In: Rhinoplasty

The nose is the focal point of the face, so it’s naturally one of the first features a person notices. The size and shape of the nose can have a major impact on an individual’s appearance.

Even minor imperfections in the appearance of the nose can negatively impact the way some perceive their looks. Likewise, even minor corrections can make a major difference in overall facial harmony.

If you feel self-conscious about your nose, a rhinoplasty has the ability to transform your entire look. Making changes to just this one feature can make a significant impact. Rhinoplasty is also performed to correct structural problems, restore function to the nose, and improve breathing.

There are many different reasons for undergoing the procedure. Below are some of the transformative benefits a rhinoplasty can offer and some additional information to better understand the procedure, itself.

Improve Self-Confidence and Appearance

For some individuals, the nose may feel mismatched or out of proportion with their other facial features. A rhinoplasty can help bring better balance to the nose and facial features, resulting in greater symmetry and an overall more proportional look.

The procedure addresses a variety of potential aesthetic concerns. It can reduce the size and prominence of the nose, adjust the length and width of the nose, and improve the angle of the nose tip. It can also correct a nose that is crooked or has an overly arched or humped look.

Rhinoplasty utilizes a variety of techniques to refine the size and shape of the nose, based on a personal assessment of each individual. Ultimately, the procedure will create better facial harmony for a more attractive appearance.

Breathe Better

Nasal deformities and blockages can create a variety of breathing problems. This may often be the result of an injury to the nose or a birth defect. Aging can also be a common cause of nasal blockages, as the tissues and bones become weaker and more prone to the influence of gravity they can collapse inward, obstructing airflow.

Rhinoplasty surgery can help correct such structural deformities and rebuild the nasal passages to improve breathing.

Improve Sleep Quality

Impeded airflow can negatively impact quality of sleep and overall health, as well as contribute to snoring. In some cases, functional rhinoplasty may help those who suffer from sleep apnea, a disorder where breathing stops for short periods of time during sleep. It may also potentially help reduce snoring.

Boost Energy

Rhinoplasty may be performed to restore symmetry and clear obstructions of the nasal airways that can inhibit the rate of air intake via the nostrils. When such type of condition is present, it can result in low oxygen levels, cause low energy, shortness of breath, and other potentially serious health issues. Rhinoplasty can help improve energy levels and may help prevent further related medical problems from developing.

Ease Chronic Sinus Problems

A nasal deformity, such as a crooked septum, can cause a chronic stuffy nose and other sinus problems that can hinder breathing and contribute to illness. A rhinoplasty may help alleviate such symptoms that can occur due to structural irregularities of the nose.

Understanding the Procedure

During the procedure, the surgeon will administer some form of anesthesia. Rhinoplasty may be performed as either an open procedure, where an incision is placed in the strip of tissue between the nostrils, or as a closed procedure, where the incisions are made inside the nose.  Once the incisions are made, the surgeon will then gently raise the skin that covers the nasal cartilage and bone, providing access to reshape the underlying structure of the nose. The surgeon may also straighten a deviated septum and reduce any blockages or protrusions to improve breathing. After the surgery is complete, a splint and tapes may be used to help promote healing and protect the nose by limiting any movement.

Plenty of rest and minimal activity is necessary during the initial recovery period, which will help speed up the healing process and reduce recovery time. Some swelling and bruising may occur, but will typically subside within a 1-2 weeks.Most patients report minimal pain associated with the surgery. The nose will continue to heal and improve in appearance over a period of 6 to 12 months following the procedure.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be an alternative option for some individuals.This technique uses dermal fillers to correct irregularities and address nasal deformities. This may be recommended for those with subtle imperfections and who may just need a slight correction. Unlike surgery, however, the results from dermal fillers, are not permanent. In order to maintain one’s new look, injections are required every year. Despite this, injectable fillers can have a transformative impact on the appearance and can be an ideal option for some.

At [primary_practice], we know nose concerns. We can evaluate and discuss changes to your nose that will best suit your face and give you the appearance you desire and/or improve nose function. Give our office a call today to learn more or schedule a consultation, we’ll be happy to assist you in anyway we can.

Posted In: Rhinoplasty


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